News Listings Widgets


There are several options for displaying your News content in a widget. Select "News" from "Add Existing Content," then click the "Add" button for the view you'd like to feature in a widget.


  • These options are separate from the default "News Archive" page. See Create News Items for more info. 
  • Due to website caching, if you make changes to the "Recent Stories" widget, you may not see the changes show up for some time after hitting "Save." See Website Cache and Flush Cache for more information.  
  • "Use Pager" option: 
    • On the "Grid" and "Thumbnail List" widgets (see below), the "Use pager" checkbox will be checked by default, and the pager will show up at the bottom of the widget if there are more content items available than the number of content items allowed in the "Items to Show" field. You can un-check this box to not show a pager.
    • If you will be featuring more than one Listing widget on the same page, and if the multiple Listing widgets will each have a pager, then you will need to put a number in the "use pager" field (a number other than 0, such as 1). This will distinguish the pagers from one another, allowing site visitors to select from each pager. (If the number isn't added to the "use pager" field, then selecting a number from one pager will select the same number from the other pager as well.)

Recent Stories

The "Recent Stories" widget (which comes with new Open Berkeley sites as starter content) features the most recent News items on your site in a simple list.

You can configure the number of items displayed in this widget, as well as the "Display Type" ("Fields" or "Content" ). If you are using News types, you can filter the widget to display only certain types (News Types) in a Recent Stories widget. This widget can feature any desired title (or no title at all) instead of the default "Recent Stories."

There are two date styles available when using the "Fields" display: "Default" (simple list) and "Brand" (mimics Berkeley Events calendar display style). 

If you choose to check the box for "provide a more link," that link will display as "News Archive" by default, or you can customize the text to something different. 

Notes about Recent Stories widget

  • If you choose the "Content" option for "Display Type," and would like to configure how the teaser text displays within the list of News Items in the widget, you will need modify the original News Items featured in this list. See Edit Summary for more information.
  • If you choose to filter a Recent Stories widget by a News Type, the "More" link will go to a page that just shows the filtered news items, and there will be a breadcrumb at the top of the page that goes back to "All News."
    • If you would like to make it more clear that there is a filtered page and non-filtered page of News items, you could add a Text Widget to the News page that says something along the lines of "On this website, there are multiple News pages. Click the All News link if you would like to see all news."

Full Listing

The "Full Listing" option allows you to feature the full text of all of your News Items in a widget. This widget can be filtered by News Type if desired.


The "Grid" option will display News items in a photo grid format, with a rectangle-shaped thumbnail photo and the title of the News item, with the option to add a title, filter by News Type, and configure how many items are displayed.

This widget utilizes the Featured Image option, and if you do not add a Featured Image with your News items, a default image of the Campanile will display instead. 

Thumbnail List

The "Thumbnail List" will feature News items in a vertical list, with a rectangle-shape thumbnail image aligned to the left of the title and some teaser text, with the option to add a title, filter by News Type, and configure how many items are displayed.

This widget utilizes the Featured Image option, and if you do not add a Featured Image with your News items, a default image of the Campanile will display instead. 

The News Thumbnail List widget will automatically display some "teaser" (summary) text along with the photo. If you would like to configure the teaser text that is displayed, you will need modify the summary of the original News items featured in the listing widget. See Edit Summary for more information.