Manage Users

Some account usernames may change as a result of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy implementation. See updated documentation below, and see our GRLN announcement for more information.

The Open Berkeley platform provides four roles: Contributor, Editor, Widget Editor, and Site Builder. Anyone with the Site Builder role can manage users and assign roles. 

Access, Users, and Accounts

Users must have a CalNet ID in order to be added to your Open Berkeley site. If you need to grant access to people who are otherwise affiliated with the campus (contractors, consultants, collaborators, guests, etc.), please see CalNet Guest and Affiliate Accounts

All new users will need to log in to your site as a first step by appending /cas to the end of your website's URL: https://[yoursite] This will bring them to a CalNet authentication screen, where they can log in with their CalNet ID and passphrase. Once they have logged in, review the available roles and then assign the appropriate ones.

Account usernames

The name displayed for user accounts is determined by the user's Lived Name, which they can update in the appropriate system of record (UC Path for employees; SIS for students) in accordance with the Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy. These names are not editable within Open Berkeley. See our GRLN announcement for more information.

Open Berkeley sites may include names of Berkeley employees or students in addition to account usernames. For example, people's names may appear in News items, staff directories, the People feature, and other content. Updating names in website content is the responsibility of the site owner and builders.

Editing Roles

When you add a new user to your site, and they haven't yet attended training, start with the "Contributor" or "Editor" role. Please do not give users the "Site Builder" role until they have attended a Site Builder training. We also recommend training for the users with the "Widget Editor" role.

You may remove a user's role entirely if the person has left your team and/or the campus. The person will no longer be able to make edits to your site after you remove their role. Once all roles have been removed from their account, a user doesn't have any more permissions than an anonymous visitor, so there is no need to block or delete accounts.

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