Note: The Web Platform Services team is focusing on developing the next generation of the platform, so we are not accepting new sponsored feature requests for the current platform.
Please email if you would like more information about any of the below items, or if you would like to discuss a new sponsored feature idea for the next generation of the platform.
About Sponsored Features
There are a number of campus partners that have sponsored feature development for our Open Berkeley platform. With sponsored features, the requirements are driven by the campus sponsor, but the resulting feature will be available to everyone on our platform. Rather than being custom work for one particular website, our sponsors are willing to allow us to roll the features back into our platform, so all campus sites on our Open Berkeley platform can benefit.
Open Berkeley Sponsors
Below the table, there are descriptions of each status (e.g., "available" and "on request"). In the table, when possible, there are linked documentation pages that provide more information and instructions on how to use the individual features.
- "Available" features are ready-to-use on all Open Berkeley sites (no need to submit a request to use them).
- "On request" features are available to all Open Berkeley sites upon request. Send email to for more information or to request any of these features on your site.
- "Alpha" features are only available to their sponsor and to select early adopters, who have agreed to participate in testing and review of the feature. While a feature is in the alpha stage, the functionality is subject to change based on sponsor and early adopter feedback.
- Features "in development" are not available except to their sponsor in separate test sites. They are not ready for use on live sites.