How do I add a set of FAQs to my site?


The built-in FAQ functionality in Open Berkeley allows you to create as many FAQs as you need, organized by categories. These FAQs can be viewed all on one page, or as individual menu items (within certain sections of your site). Contributors, Editors, and Site Builders can all create and edit FAQs, but only Site Builders can create/organize FAQ categories. Figure 1 (below) shows an example of a set of FAQs assigned to a "General" FAQ category, using the "collapsible" display type.

Figure 1: FAQs using the "Collapsible" display type

 Screenshot of FAQs in collapsible format
There are multiple display options available for FAQs, including expand/collapse


  • FAQ items will automatically populate at the path /faq-page on your site. If you have a new Open Berkeley starter (test) site, you will likely notice the "FAQ" page in your main menu, some starter FAQ items. See Create FAQs for more information.
  • There are multiple display options for your main FAQ page: jump links, questions inline, and expand/collapse. See Manage FAQs for more information.
  • FAQ items must be assigned to FAQ categories. You can use the starter FAQ categories (such as "General"), or create new ones. See FAQ categories for more information.
  • You can have a menu item (page) on your site that features a set of FAQs assigned to one FAQ category. For example, if you have an "Apply" section of your site, you can feature a page with FAQs assigned to a category that pertains to that section of the site, such as "Applications". See Manage FAQs for more information.
  • You can feature a list of FAQs anywhere on your site using the "Add Content List" widget. The list can be sorted by "Post Date," "Updated Date," "Title," or "Random." See Listings widgets for more information.
  • You can feature an individual FAQ item using the "Add Content Item" widget, with a few different display options. See Add Content Item for details.