
Image shapes and sizes (Berkeley Brand)

The Berkeley Brand guidelines provide standard image sizes for Brand components such as Hero, Photo Thumbnail, and Promo widgets....

Featured Image

Overview of the Featured Image option

A few Open Berkeley features require the addition of a "featured image" on the original content item. The image can be uploaded or selected from the image library during the process of creating/editing a content item.

A featured image should be added to content items when using the following features:

Content Grid, Content Thumbnail List widgets...

People Listing Widgets


By default, all People content will show up at the path "/people" on your site, and will be displayed as a sortable table with Name, Job title, and Role. This is not the only way to feature People content on your site. You can customize the default /people page to change or use a different People widget, or feature People widgets on any page that can be customized.

Several of...

Configure Widgets

On pages where you are using layouts and widgets (such as the home page, or a Landing page, or a Content page where you've added something like an optional sidebar), you can edit each widget individually, create new widgets, and drag and...

Give to Berkeley widget

The Give to Berkeley widget allows site visitors to make donations to Give to Berkeley fund sources. The Give to Berkeley platform is managed by University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR).

About the Give to Berkeley Widget

The Give to Berkeley widget allows Site Builders and Widget Editors to display a "Support Fund" box. This box will link to individual fund sources on the Give to Berkeley platform. The box will display "Support Fund" text on the bottom, and...

Video Thumbnail with Modal

The Video Thumbnail with Modal allows Site Builders to show a photo in a widget that links to a video, and then when a user selects the widget, a larger zoom (modal) of the video player pops up to show the embedded video. Just like the Add Video widget, only YouTube and Vimeo videos can be used. The photo used for the widget can be a still from the video, or a related image.

Photo Thumbnail with Zoom

The Photo Thumbnail with Zoom allows Site Builders to display a photo in a widget, and when a site visitor selects the photo, a larger "zoom" (modal) version of the photo pops up. The Photo Thumbnail with Zoom features a title to accompany the photo with options to include a photo credit and/or description (the description field uses the limited WYSIWYG editing toolbar).

Hero Widget

Hero image layouts allow site builders to add full-width images with text (and optional videos and links) across the top of your home page or landing pages. The styles and layouts match the new design of the Berkeley homepage and News website.

Limited WYSIWYG Toolbar

In regular Content pages and Text widgets, there is a "regular" (full) editing, a.k.a. WYSIWYG, toolbar. However, there are a few features in Open Berkeley that only allow a limited subset of tags.

Add Video (YouTube, Vimeo)

The "Add Video' widget allows you to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on your site. This widget supports YouTube video playlists and YouTube's "start at a specific time" feature. The "Add Video" widget will embed a video in one of the available layout regions, and site visitors will select the "play" button to play the video directly on your page.

You may also feature videos on your site by using the Video Thumbnail with Modal...