Landing Page

Edit Summary on Content Items

On many content types on the Open Berkeley platform, there is an "Edit Summary" option. On Landing pages, the label for this field is "Summary".

The "Edit Summary" option is helpful for showing the "teaser" (summary) text on the following features:

News Archive page...

Class Listings

The Class Listing widget allows Site Builders to embed a filtered list of classes from the Berkeley Academic Guide. The Academic Guide is is a robust tool to help the campus community explore Berkeley’s curricula and find classes, with various filters available.

People Feature

The People feature allows you to create content for individual people, which can be featured/listed in a few different ways. This feature is a good way to create and showcase a directory of people on your site.

Featured Image

Overview of the Featured Image option

A few Open Berkeley features require the addition of a "featured image" on the original content item. The image can be uploaded or selected from the image library during the process of creating/editing a content item.

A featured image should be added to content items when using the following features:

Content Grid, Content Thumbnail List widgets...

People Listing Widgets


By default, all People content will show up at the path "/people" on your site, and will be displayed as a sortable table with Name, Job title, and Role. This is not the only way to feature People content on your site. You can customize the default /people page to change or use a different People widget, or feature People widgets on any page that can be customized.

Several of...

Content Types

There are four content types available by default on an Open Berkeley site. If you are using any optional features on your site, then you will see additional content types available.

Default Content Types

The following content types are the default content types that come with every Open Berkeley starter site.

Content Page

Content pages are the majority of pages on most sites. A content page has one primary topic with one primary chunk of content. Any other...

Edit the Home Page

Overview of Your Website's Home Page

Your home page is populated and organized by layouts and widgets. It has the same general behavior as a Landing Page. There are a few important items to consider when editing your home page.

There is an "Edit" tab available, but using this tab is NOT how you'll edit the majority of content on your home page. Here are the settings that are available when you click the "Edit"...

Create Landing Pages

"Landing pages" are pages without one primary chunk of content. Use them when you want a page with multiple content items of similar importance. They may be used as home pages, section home pages, galleries, etc. Only Site Builders and Widget Editors can create and edit Landing pages. To update content on Landing pages, use the "Customize this page" and "Change Layout" buttons at the bottom of the page (see Layouts and...

Listings Widgets

There are several "listings" widgets available, which allow you to show a listing of content with various display options. The workflow for constructing Listings widgets is to build your content first (i.e., create Content pages, News items, FAQ items, etc.), and then select Listings widgets that will display your content as desired.

Color Bands (Full-Width)

Full-width color bands allow site builders to add a band of color with text to the top of your home page or Landing pages. The styles and layouts match the design of the Berkeley homepage.