Site Builder Role

Manage FAQs

Lists of Frequently Asked Questions and their categories can be displayed in three different ways: jump links, questions inline, or collapsible.

Give to Berkeley widget

The Give to Berkeley widget allows site visitors to make donations to Give to Berkeley fund sources. The Give to Berkeley platform is managed by University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR).

About the Give to Berkeley Widget

The Give to Berkeley widget allows Site Builders and Widget Editors to display a "Support Fund" box. This box will link to individual fund sources on the Give to Berkeley platform. The box will display "Support Fund" text on the bottom, and...

Clone Content

Some Open Berkeley sites have content that is similar in structure across many different pages. The Clone Content feature allows site builders and other privileged users to take an existing page, make a copy of it including all fields, widgets, and layouts, and then update the parts of the page that are different from the source page.

Book Feature

The Book feature helps you create organized documentation, regulations, manuals, or other content that has a sequential or hierarchical structure.

Service Catalog

Service Catalog provides a content type and a listings page that you can use to publicize services that your department provides. You can add an icon, link (for online services), and service categories for each service.

Edit Site Information

You can edit the name (title) of your site (the text in the banner region of the page, to the right of the Berkeley workmark), or update the email address used for your site if desired.

Open Berkeley sites do not send email; because we use CalNet authentication, there is no need for password-reset messages. The site email address is for our internal records. It is not displayed publicly on your site.

The email address used for your site must be a departmental email, not an individual email address. We may use it to contact your department in cases where our...

FAQ Categories

FAQ content items must be assigned to FAQ categories. Create your FAQ categories before you create FAQ content items. For instructions on how to create FAQ categories, see the Categories page. The FAQs will be separated by category on your FAQ page.

Video Thumbnail with Modal

The Video Thumbnail with Modal allows Site Builders to show a photo in a widget that links to a video, and then when a user selects the widget, a larger zoom (modal) of the video player pops up to show the embedded video. Just like the Add Video widget, only YouTube and Vimeo videos can be used. The photo used for the widget can be a still from the video, or a related image.

Photo Thumbnail with Zoom

The Photo Thumbnail with Zoom allows Site Builders to display a photo in a widget, and when a site visitor selects the photo, a larger "zoom" (modal) version of the photo pops up. The Photo Thumbnail with Zoom features a title to accompany the photo with options to include a photo credit and/or description (the description field uses the limited WYSIWYG editing toolbar).