
Class Listings

The Class Listing widget allows Site Builders to embed a filtered list of classes from the Berkeley Academic Guide. The Academic Guide is is a robust tool to help the campus community explore Berkeley’s curricula and find classes, with various filters available.

Data Visualization Widget

The Data Visualization widget allows you to embed accessible, interactive data visualizations created using Everviz (formerly Highcharts Cloud). Dozens of chart types and variations are available, including line, spline, area, column, bar, pie, and scatter charts.

People Feature

The People feature allows you to create content for individual people, which can be featured/listed in a few different ways. This feature is a good way to create and showcase a directory of people on your site.

How do I know when to use a Content Page, and when to use a Landing Page?

There are two primary differences between Content Pages and Landing Pages on the Open Berkeley platform:

Content Pages have one primary chunk of content, and customizing the page to add one or two additional widgets is OPTIONAL Landing Pages have multiple pieces of content of equal importance on one page, and customizing the page is REQUIRED

Additionally, special Hero widgets (Hero and Color Band) can only be used on Landing Pages.


Portfolio allows site builders to create filterable grid displays of content. You can choose which content items to display, with or without filters.

Publications Feature

The Publications feature allows site builders to create "Publication" content. Publication content items are documents such as journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. These content items display the "abstracts" (summary) for the documents, and the documents may be uploaded as files to your site, or linked to their source on external websites.

Listings Widgets

There are several "listings" widgets available, which allow you to show a listing of content with various display options. The workflow for constructing Listings widgets is to build your content first (i.e., create Content pages, News items, FAQ items, etc.), and then select Listings widgets that will display your content as desired.