
URL Aliases (Friendly Path Names)

URL aliases (e.g., “about-us” instead of “node/9”) are automatically assigned by default, and are what appear in the URL of your individual pages (e.g., http://YOURSITE.berkeley.edu/about-us). If desired, they can be manually assigned when creating or editing a node, and site builders also have the option of administering aliases via the site builder dashboard.

When creating or editing a page, under "URL path settings" at the bottom of the page, "Generate automatic URL alias" will be automatically checked. This...

Advanced Site Maintenance

Open Berkeley includes a set of tools that will help you maintain your site's quality after it is finished and launched. These tools are available to users with the Site Builder role.

collapse all expand all The "Reports" Page

Select "Reports" from the black admin menu to see the "Reports" page (http://[yoursite]/admin/reports).


URL Redirects

Adding a URL redirect will ensure that if visitors go to an old link (e.g., a page on an old website that you are rebuilding on the Open Berkeley platform), they will be automatically redirected to the new page. You can add redirects for sub-paths (page paths) from an old website on the URL redirects administration page.

When (and Why) to Add URL Redirects

The following are common use cases for adding URL redirects:

You are rebuilding an old site on the Open Berkeley platform You are deleting (removing) a page

Old site URLs, and URLs for deleted pages, may still be findable...