
Add Image

NOTE: Large (high resolution) images may cause performance issues and could possibly cause other site errors. Try to only upload photos that have a file size of 1MB or smaller when using this widget.

Use "Add Image" to feature a photo with a caption in a widget area. Note that you can also feature an image in a widget by using the "Add Text" widget option and the "Add Media" button (see...

Attachment Links


If you've uploaded an attachment (PDF, Word, etc. - see Add Attachments), you can add a link to that attachment by following the same steps you would take to link to an internal page.

On many sites, attachment links will be automatically prepended with a file icon, which will be specific to the type of file that has been uploaded (PDF,...

Media Tags

If desired, you can add Media Tags to help organize the files in your Library. This is optional; use only if you have a lot of images and need to categorize them for ease of re-use.

Both Editors and Site Builders can create and use Media Tags, but only Site Builders can edit/delete existing Media Tags.

When you upload a photo, you will see an option to add Media Tags to the photo you've just uploaded to the server.


Crop Images

After uploading a photo to your site, you will see an option to crop the photo directly within the media uploading interface.

Crop the photo to the desired size, then hit Save.