Version 0.23.0

September 6, 2019

Release 0.23.0 of Open Berkeley contains new and updated features, bug fixes, and minor code updates.

New and updated features

Make widgets reusable after creation

It is now possible to make widgets reusable after they have been created and saved. Previously, you had to mark a widget as reusable when you initially created it.

This change affects the behavior of certain revision comparisons; see Reusable Content for more information.

Table responsiveness and accessibility enhancements

We have expanded the HTML table structure tags allowed when building tables. Now available are <thead>, <tfoot>, <col>, and <colgroup>. We have also allowed the headers attribute on table cells. This allows Builders to make complex tables more accessible by associating individual data cells and colgroups to the appropriate header cells. See Add Tables for more information and instructions.

We have also updated the code that makes tables respond to the viewport width to handle a wider range of table layouts. However, this code can't account for all the possible header and data layouts, especially in more complex/non-standard tables. We recommend that you review your complex tables. Make sure you have added all appropriate structure tags to associate data cells with their headers, then view the tables at responsive widths. The most important aspect of table accessibility is that data cells be properly associated with their headers, both visually and in the source code. If needed, you can turn off the responsive behavior on individual tables to preserve these relationships.

Clear Views cache

We have added the ability to clear the cache for Views (i.e., various listings widgets) separately from the full cache clear. See the "Views Cache" section on the Website Cache and Flush Cache page for more information.

Separately, we have fixed a bug in Live Preview that caused listings widget previews to not update after changing their configuration.

Code updates

  • Update to Panopoly 1.70.
  • Update Lando local testing configuration.
  • Fix More links from filtered Recent Stories widgets so they show filtered results on the destination News Archive page.
  • Fix Live Preview not showing certain updates.
  • Add Behat tests for Panopoly updates.