
Add Images/Photos


Images can be added to all pages on an Open Berkeley website, either directly in a content item (such as a Content page, News item, or FAQ item), or added to a customized page (such as a Landing page, or...

Edit photos and files from the dashboard

From your admin menu and dashboard, you can download a list of the files on your site, edit the default alt and title text of image files, change the names of files, replace a file with a new version, and crop an image.

To perform any of these actions, navigate to your "Files" tab by hovering over your admin menu, or clicking on your dashboard in the upper left corner of your site.

Accessing the Files dashboard

Admin menu (click on the "Files" drop-down):


Image shapes and sizes (Berkeley Brand)

The Berkeley Brand guidelines provide standard image sizes for Brand components such as Hero, Photo Thumbnail, and Promo widgets....

Featured Image

Overview of the Featured Image option

A few Open Berkeley features require the addition of a "featured image" on the original content item. The image can be uploaded or selected from the image library during the process of creating/editing a content item.

A featured image should be added to content items when using the following features:

Content Grid, Content Thumbnail List widgets...

Hero Widget

Hero image layouts allow site builders to add full-width images with text (and optional videos and links) across the top of your home page or landing pages. The styles and layouts match the new design of the Berkeley homepage and News website.

Add Video (YouTube, Vimeo)

The "Add Video' widget allows you to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on your site. This widget supports YouTube video playlists and YouTube's "start at a specific time" feature. The "Add Video" widget will embed a video in one of the available layout regions, and site visitors will select the "play" button to play the video directly on your page.

You may also feature videos on your site by using the Video Thumbnail with Modal...

The WYSIWYG (Editing) Toolbar


When you create a Content Page, News item, or FAQ item, and if you are a Site Builder creating certain widgets, you will notice an editing toolbar within the "Body" section:


Add Attachments


Attachments like PDF, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents can be added to Open Berkeley sites as downloadable links. You will upload the attachment first, and then add a link that allows site visitors to click and download. File size is limited to 50 MB because larger file sizes can cause degraded performance.

Just like when you upload images (see Add Images), you can upload attachments via the "Add Media" button in the editing toolbar (see more detailed instructions below...

Add a Spotlight (slideshow)


Spotlights are photo slideshows that contain images overlaid with optional titles and descriptions. You can link them to pages on your site, or to external webpages.

Spotlight images are fully-responsive; the spotlight will rescale itself to fit the space available to it depending on your page layout and the viewer's device size. For best results, you may want to crop and resize your images to one of the available layout styles/ratios (see below) before you upload them.

When you choose one of the available spotlight options (see below) and drag them into different...

Add Image

NOTE: Large (high resolution) images may cause performance issues and could possibly cause other site errors. Try to only upload photos that have a file size of 1MB or smaller when using this widget.

Use "Add Image" to feature a photo with a caption in a widget area. Note that you can also feature an image in a widget by using the "Add Text" widget option and the "Add Media" button (see...