Edit/Create Content

Optional Styles

There are several optional HTML "classes" available that will change some of the default heading, paragraph, table, and list styling in Open Berkeley. You will need to make edits directly in the HTML source to use these classes. See...

Create Content Pages

Most likely, you will find that the majority of your content will be created as "Content pages." A Content page is a standard webpage, with one primary chunk of content, and is likely in the main menu of your site.

Start with Content Pages as you build out your site, then add FAQs, News Items, and Landing Pages and additional widgets (Site Builders and Widget Editors only) as additional content. For a breakdown of available...

Limited WYSIWYG Toolbar

In regular Content pages and Text widgets, there is a "regular" (full) editing, a.k.a. WYSIWYG, toolbar. However, there are a few features in Open Berkeley that only allow a limited subset of tags.

Add Lists

When you have content that makes semantic sense as a list, use the list buttons instead of simply using line breaks. Proper use of lists is an accessibility best practice. To create a list, place your cursor in the WYSIWYG field and select the WYSIWYG button for a bullet (unordered) or numbered (ordered) list.

Create FAQs

When FAQ items are added to your site, they will automatically populate at http://[yoursite].berkeley.edu/faq-page. FAQ items have to be assigned to a category before publishing. Before you can create FAQ items, you (or someone with the Site Builder role) must evaluate and create applicable FAQ categories. "General" is the default category that comes with all Open Berkeley sites, and more categories can be added as necessary. By default, FAQs will display as "jump" (anchor) links....

Create Landing Pages

"Landing pages" are pages without one primary chunk of content. Use them when you want a page with multiple content items of similar importance. They may be used as home pages, section home pages, galleries, etc. Only Site Builders and Widget Editors can create and edit Landing pages. To update content on Landing pages, use the "Customize this page" and "Change Layout" buttons at the bottom of the page (see Layouts and...

Edit Summary on Content Items

On many content types on the Open Berkeley platform, there is an "Edit Summary" option. On Landing pages, the label for this field is "Summary".

The "Edit Summary" option is helpful for showing the "teaser" (summary) text on the following features:

News Archive page...

Responsive Tables

Tables built on the Open Berkeley platform are designed to be "responsive", meaning they will adjust for optimal display on all devices, including mobile/tablet.

See Add Tables for initial instructions on how to add tables to your site using the editing (WYSIWYG) toolbar, including instructions on how to add and configure table headers and scope. Properly-configured table headers and scope are important for both responsive behavior and...

Edit the HTML of a page

If desired, Site Builders can edit the content of page directly in the HTML. If you are comfortable using basic HTML, feel free to use this option. Important note: Some HTML tags and attributes are filtered out, so not everything that you might type into the HTML editor will appear on the page.

To edit the HTML of a page, select the "HTML" button from the editing toolbar.


Add a link to a website (external)

Overview of External Links

You can add a link to a specific external URL by selecting the text you wish to hyperlink, then clicking the "Link to content" button. (You can also remove a link via the "Unlink" button).

After clicking the "Link to Content" button, add the URL in the "Link URL" field for an external link.
