
Add Image

NOTE: Large (high resolution) images may cause performance issues and could possibly cause other site errors. Try to only upload photos that have a file size of 1MB or smaller when using this widget.

Use "Add Image" to feature a photo with a caption in a widget area. Note that you can also feature an image in a widget by using the "Add Text" widget option and the "Add Media" button (see...

Add Content Item

The "Add Content Item" allows you to display an existing content item on your site in a widget area. Start typing the title of the content item in the "Piece of Content" box, and select the item from the list provided. Under "Content Settings," select how you would like the content item to be displayed ("Full Content," "Teaser," etc.).

NOTE: Currently, when adding a new Content Item widget, the Preview window will default to an existing content item. You can choose another item following the instructions above.


Color Bands (Full-Width)

Full-width color bands allow site builders to add a band of color with text to the top of your home page or Landing pages. The styles and layouts match the design of the Berkeley homepage.